Japan's Leading Trade Show for Tools & Hardware Industry

Tools & hardware related to architecture, carpenter, maintenance, and horticulture will gather all at once.
Importers & distributors, home centers, retailers & wholesalers from hardware stores and garden shops, industry professional users will visit the show.
Exhibit at TOOL JAPAN & expand Japan/Asia market!


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Official Korean Blog  

J-AGRI is organised by RX Japan Ltd. - Japan’s Largest Exhibition Organiser

RX Japan organises 90 exhibitions* a year at large exhibition halls such as Tokyo Big Sight, Makuhari Messe and Intex Osaka across a wide variety of 39 fields including jewellery, fashion, gift items, electronics, energy, IT, cosmetics and medical.
Please visit the RX Japan website for details of 90 exhibitions in 39 fields annually organised by RX Japan.

*Composed of 372 Sub-exhibitions